Saturday, August 31, 2019

Price Control

Price Controls Econ 360-002 Sonia Parsa [email  protected] edu G00509808 Word Count: 1540 Abstract This paper examines how, in the United States, the government imposes several forms of taxes and price controls and how all individuals are required to pay direct and indirect taxes. It looks at how the approach of taxation and how the constraints of taxation on goods and price controls affect the U. S. economy. Introduction Regulations have played a huge role in the political and economic world for centuries. There are various different types of regulation. One regulation that the government imposes under its tax policy is price control, which is not considered to be voluntary. Price control can play two different roles, a price ceiling or a price floor. A price ceiling is the maximum price that can be charged in the market for a certain good, causing shortages, and a price floor is the minimum price that can be charged in the market, which then causes surpluses. Measures are usually taken by a government under its regulatory policy to control wages and prices in an attempt to check cost-push inflation and wage-push inflation[1]. However, these policies never help the economy. Instead, it worsens the situation. Governments also impose price controls as an indirect mechanism for taxation. The most well-known price controls enforced by the United States government today are: the policy of minimum wage, rent control, and oil price control. Having enforced price controls generate opportunities for economy failure, i. e. shortages and surpluses, as well as opportunities within the black market, and international arbitrage. The Economic Philosophy When a price control is forced by the government, it’s usually imposed to help or protect particular parts of the population which would be treated inequitably by the unfettered price system. But one must wonder which part of the population, the consumers or the producers? Is it not true that the consumers always feel as if the prices of a good are much higher than their actual value, while producers always feel as if the prices are too low? Price controls are usually justified as a way to help consumers, but whether they actually do is open to debate. Imposed price controls by the government are not only an absolute disaster, but have resulted in dislocating many economies in the past. The key is to recognize that when governments impose price controls; it does not only affect their nation, but also affects parallel imports with their trade partners because of a price â€Å"discrimination,† in regards to tariffs. The Economic Logic The effect of taxation and price controls on the economy vary from the decrease of the supply of goods to an increase in costs and can be demonstrated by a supply-demand analysis (Figure 1). In a free market, the equilibrium selling prices are shown by an upward sloping supply curve (S) with respect to price. The maximum buying prices on the part of the consumer is then shown by a downward sloping demand curve (D) with respect to price. After a quantity of a good is acquired by a consumer, the less important the desire is than before. Therefore, the supplier has to lower the price for each unit as it is sold. Where the supply and demand curve intersects at the margin is called the equilibrium price. In a maximum price control, a deadweight loss occurs in the triangle of a, b, c. pic] For example, when there is a tax imposed on a good like tobacco, there is an increase in the price of the product. This is called minimum price control and the price is not legally allowed to fall below the minimum. This shifts the supply curve of the product to the left. In other words, there are fewer goods available at the same prices than there were before. There is then a decline in the quantity demanded and a new equilibrium between demand and supply is reached. On the other hand when price controls are imposed there is an artificial decline in the prices. At the lower prices, a higher quantity is demanded but the production is insufficient to fulfill that demand and causes a shortage. We can also use the supply-demand analysis to dissect the labor market when a wage-control is placed by the government (shown in Figure 2). By establishing a minimum-wage law, it mandates a price floor above the equilibrium wage; therefore, the rate of unemployment among unskilled workers increases. When wages increase, a greater number of workers are willing to work while only a small number of jobs will be available at the higher wage. Companies can be more selective in whom they choose to employ causing the least skilled and inexperience to be excluded. [pic] Figure 2 assumes that workers are willing to work for more hours if paid a higher wage. We graph this relationship with the wage on the vertical axis and the quantity of workers on the horizontal axis. Combining the demand and supply curves for labor allows us to examine the effect of the minimum wage. We will start by assuming that the supply and demand curves for labor will not change as a result of raising the minimum wage. This assumption has been questioned. If no minimum wage is in place, workers and employers will continue to adjust the quantity of labor supplied according to price until the quantity of labor demanded is equal to the quantity of labor supplied, reaching equilibrium price, where the supply and demand curves intersect. Evidence- Minimum Wage Basic theory says that raising the minimum wage, which is a type of price-control, helps workers whose wages are raised, and hurts people who are not hired because companies cut back on employment. The very first federal minimum wage laws were imposed under the National Recovery Administration. The National Industrial Recovery Act, which became law on June 16, 1933, established industrial minimum wages for 515 classes of labor. Over 90 percent of the minimum wages were set at between 30 and 40 cents per hour. [2] C. F. Roos, who was the director of research at the NRA at that time, estimated that â€Å"by reason of the minimum wage provisions of the codes, about 500,000 Negro workers were on relief in 1934. † Roos added that â€Å"a minimum wage definitely causes the displacement of the young, inexperienced worker and the old worker. [3] By imposing minimum wage rate, free contract in the labor market is shattered. A firm is no longer allowed to pay below the minimum and the laborer cannot accept anything below the minimum that has been set as well. The free-market allows inexperienced workers to obtain entry-level positions, which gives them on the job training, by working for less. With the imposed wage-control, if the monetary compensation falls below minimum, th e trade-off becomes illegal which is a direct violation of a workers liberty to free contract. Thomas Rustici, in his book about minimum wage, makes an excellent point when he states: â€Å"In virtually every case it was found that the net employment effects and labor-force participation rates were negatively related to changes in the minimum wage. In the face of 50 years of evidence, the question is no longer if the minimum wage law creates unemployment, but how much current or future increases in the minimum wage will adversely affect the labor market? †[4] For years we have witnessed the effects of what minimum wages execute, yet we continue to conduct the same mistakes. Conclusion Obligatory price controls by the government are not only an absolute disaster, but have resulted in dislocating many economies all over the world for thousands of years[5]. As economic history has shown us, price controls being effective in a free competitive market are very rare. We either experience shortages or surpluses as a result. Who wins and who loses with an imposed price control? Setting a price control in one country affects other countries around it as well due to parallel imports and personal trafficking. Prices are not just numbers to a free competitive market; they are the expression of the value the supplier sets, no matter how subjective it may be. To regulate or to impose a price control, like any form of regulation, is unconstitutional. In some cases, it either violates the 5th amendment and/or 14th amendment. Price controls, wage controls, and money controls are really people controls. Regimentation at its worst- that is what a socialist dictatorship is all about. I believe that the free market has its own way of equalizing the economy and when the government interferes and sets price ceiling or price floor, it causes a chaos within our economy. Regardless if it results in a dead weight loss or a shortage, the consequences can sometimes be more destructive in the long run. Even if a government believes that price controls are set and affect only their country, it does not; it affects every nation that does any trade with them, exports or imports. The appeal of price controls is understandable. Even though they fail to protect many consumers and hurt others, controls hold out the promise of protecting groups that are particularly hard-pressed to meet price increases. However, when the government has proposed a control, there is a lag in time, causing an economy to become more impaired. References Barfield, C. E. and Groombridge, M. A. â€Å"The Economic Case for Copyright and Owner Control over Parallel Imports. † Journal of World Intellectual Property, Vol. 1 (1998), pp. 903-939 Benjamin M. Anderson, Economics and the Public Welfare: A Financial and Economic History of the United States, 1914-1946 (Indianapolis: Liberty Press, 1979), p. 36. Cambridge Pharma Consultancy. Pricing and Reimbursement Review 2003. Cambridge, UK: IMS Health-Management Consulting, 2004. â€Å"Gas Fever: Happiness Is a Full Tank. † Times Magazine 18 Feb. 1974. 19 June 2009 . Grossman, Gene M. , and Edwin L-C Lai. â€Å"Parallel imports and price controls. † RAND Journal of Econ omics 2nd ser. 39 (2008): 378-402. Princeton. Web. 8 Dec. 2009. . Richard M. Alson, J. R. Kearl, and Michael B. Vaughan, â€Å"Is There a Consensus Among Economists in the 1990’s? † American Economic Review 82, no. 2 (1992): 203–209. Rustici, Thomas. â€Å"Public Choice View of Minimum Wage†. Cato Journal, 5. 1) Spring/Summer 1985: 114. ISSN: 0273-3072 Steenhuysen, Julie. â€Å"Drug price controls may shorten lives: report | Reuters. † Business & Financial News, Breaking US & International News | Reuters. com. 16 Dec. 2008. Web. 8 Dec. 2009. . The Power of Oil: The Arab Oil Weapon and the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, and the United States Roy Licklider International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 32, No. 2 (Jun. , 1988), pp. 214 ———————– [1] Grossman, Gene M. , and Edwin L-C Lai. â€Å"Parallel imports and price controls. † RAND Journal of Economics 2nd ser. 39 (2008): 378-4 02. Princeton. Web. 8 Dec. 009. . [2] Leverett Lyon, et al. The National Recovery Administration: An Analysis and Appraisal (New York: Da Capo Press, 1972). pp. 318-19. [3] Benjamin M. Anderson, Economics and the Public Welfare: A Financial and Economic History of the United States, 1914-1946 (Indianapolis: Liberty Press, 1979), p. 336. [4] Rustici, Thomas. â€Å"Public Choice View of Minimum Wage†. Cato Journal, 5. (1) Spring/Summer 1985: 105. ISSN: 0273-3072 [5] Barfield, C. E. and Groombridge, M. A. â€Å"The Economic Case for Copyright and Owner Control over Parallel Imports. † Journal of World Intellectual Property, Vol. 1 (1998), pp. 903-939

Overcrowding in American Jails and Prisons: An Overview of the Issue and Possible Solutions Essay

The issue of overcrowding in American jails and prisons is not unheard of. It is frequently discussed amongst politicians and American citizens alike. This is a controversial issue considering the large number of different opinions many people have. Though the issue is certainly acknowledged, it is rare that a feasible solution is discussed. According to Vincent Tompkins, one of the many editors in American Decades, most Americans chose to not dwell on the growing crime problem during the 1950s. This was evident through the increase in prison population, which, by the end of the decade, was 22,492 men and women in federal penitentiaries, and 185,021 in state facilities. Tompkins and the rest of the editors compare the amount of prisoners to the size of a city like Tulsa, Oklahoma to put the issue during the 1950s into perspective. However, the amount of prisoners were not the only problem the prison system was faced with. In 1952 alone, there were twenty riots in various federal and state penitentiaries (Tompkins 242). David S. Clark, the editor of the Encyclopedia of Law and Society: American and Global Perspectives, describes overcrowded prisons as, â€Å"a breach of United Nations and other international standards that require that states treat prisoners with respect to their inherent dignity. † Clark calls attention to what follows overcrowding, including restricted living space, poor conditions of hygiene, poor sanitation arrangements, less time available for outdoor activities, etc. He claims the result of these conditions are an increase in violence, including suicide and self-injury (Clark 1177). According to â€Å"Equal Justice Initiative,† an organization that works toward ending mass incarceration, the U. S. incarcerates more of their citizens in comparison to any other country in the world. Jail and prison populations have increased from 200,000 to 2. 3 million in the past 40 years. This not only lead to unprecedented prison overcrowding, but also put a huge strain on state budgets. For instance, Alabama’s prisons were built with the intention of holding up to 14,000 prisoners, but instead hold double the amount—28,000. Alabama is one of many states who are faced with the crisis of overcrowding. The inmate to correctional officer ratio in Alabama is the highest in the country, which only illustrates how serious of an issue overcrowding is. Many Alabama prisoners are on â€Å"waiting lists† for solitary confinement. Due to unsafe prison conditions, â€Å"Equal Justice Initiative† reports a rise in lawsuits where courts have described overcrowding in both state and local facilities as â€Å"barbaric. † The conditions of some of these Alabamian prisons are extreme. Some prisoners are forced to sleep on concrete floors where the, â€Å"sardine-can appearance of cell units more nearly resemble the holding units of slave ships during the Middle Passage of the eighteenth century than anything in the twenty-first century. † Considering these unbelievable facts about prison conditions, the questions remains: how would one resolve the issue of overcrowding? Probably the most universally agreed upon idea is to incarcerate fewer drug offenders. Saki Knafo reports in the Huffington Post that 219,000 inmates in federal prison, which, in comparison to the 25,000 in 1980, is a dramatic increase. Knafo writes that half of those prisoners are drug offenders, and that if 20 percent fewer (non-violent) drug offenders were imprisoned, the federal government would save $1. 29 billion, and prisons would save 125,000 bed years—or a year’s worth of prison time for one person. Among similar lines, another possible solution would be to reduce the incarceration time drug offenders face. If given the opportunity to reduce one year off their prison time by participating in a drug rehabilitation program, Knafo reports the savings to be 880 bed years, and $9.1 million for the U. S. economy. This is supposedly in effect, though due to overcrowding, many prisoners awaiting their opportunity have less than a year of incarceration time when they are offered a place in the program. Expanding this program would not only provide prisoners with a more successful program—which would prevent many released convicts from repeating similar drug related crimes that caused their impri sonment initially—but would also create a number of jobs, which, statistically, would reduce crime rates. Another idea that could potentially reduce the overcrowding in prisons is to release some elderly prisoners from custody. Knafo claims that after the age of 55, released prisoners are â€Å"highly unlikely to commit new crimes, according to many studies. † Despite the lack of a threat those over the age of 55 are, 17,400 federal prisoners are older than 55. It is evident that there are numerous ways to lessen the amount of incarcerated prisoners, while still ensuring the safety of others on the street. Claiming the United States has an addiction to imprisonment when it comes to preventing crime is certainly arguable. Though many of these potential solutions can be considered controversial, it is difficult to deny that things could be done to lessen the overcrowding in prisons and jails. Some might say the U. S. overlooks many alternatives to incarceration. Though arguable, considering the facts and statistics, it certainly could be beneficial for the U. S. to broaden their punishment and rehabilitation methods when it comes to non-violent crimes. Considering alternatives to imprisonment could not only be profitable, but also advantageous.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Scarlet Letter

Amy Sheehan Mr. Frye English 11 Honors 3 February 2012 Clever Title The physical and emotional strain resulting from sex out of wedlock seems to be an almost unbearable burden. In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne, and her daughter Pearl deal with the emotional abuse from her townspeople because of an affair with Dimmesdale. All of the harassment takes place in a small town in Boston, Massachusetts. In Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, the reoccurring image of a circle/sphere probes the thought that humanity is following a cycle of cruelty that has never been broken.The use of actual objects to distinguish the pattern of isolation reoccurs often. Isolation plays a key factor in The Scarlet Letter, usually being hinted at with assistance from the image of a circle or sphere. In some instances, the cycle of isolation appears in nature: â€Å"Did the sun, which shone so brightly everywhere else, really fall upon him? Or, was there, as it rather seemed, a circle of ominous shadow moving along with his deformity, whichever way he turned himself. † (172). The sunlight refuses to fall directly on Chillingworth because of his impure body structure.The shadow casting off of him foreshadows the death he will later face. Nature isolates Chillingworth because he seems to be dark creature. Hawthorne does not just use circles and spheres in nature, he also uses them through Hester’s other possessions. Pear also plays a part in the reoccurring isolation symbol. â€Å"But she names the infant ‘Pearl† (85). In the beginning, Hester was isolated because of her sin. As the book goes on, she realizes that society continues to exclude not only her, but her daughter as well. A pearl represents a small spherical object grown in the comfort of an oyster’s mouth.In essence that is exactly what Pearl is. The only life she has known is one of complete distance from the rest of society. If someone shows her kindness, or a cceptance, she would not know how to react. She’s been raised to think isolation is normal. Her mother on the other hand will never quite get used to the harsh reality of what she’s done; â€Å"While Hester stood in that magic circle of ignominy where the cunning cruelty of her sentence seem to have fixed her forever† (242). The amazing ability of the townspeople to shun a completely innocent woman is the pattern of humanity.Mankind has always been unbelievably cruel to the people who least deserve it. Hester’s humility and strength is show constantly throughout the book. The invariable essence of cruelty is, and always has been, a big part of society. Not only are objects used to portray isolation, people are also used. With every mention of a circle/sphere, the patterns of isolation continue to show up. â€Å"They now felt themselves, at least, inhabitants of the same sphere† (186). Hawthorne uses the relationship between Hester and Dimmesdale to prove the point of the cruel unfair ways of humanity.The well liked man gets away with absolutely no judgment, while the lower class woman gets all the hatred and punishment. While these two people are so diversely seen in society, they formed a completely flawless creation that gets torn apart by the isolation of the town; â€Å"Pearl looked as beautiful as the day, but was in one of those moods of perverse merriment which, whenever they occurred, seemed to remove her entirely out of the sphere of sympathy or human contact† (130). Pearl has entered her own circle of dependency. She depends on her mom and herself.Society has shut her out completely, just because she’s associated with Hester. Which makes one think; how would this child be looked at if she were to be associated with her father, Dimmesdale. With Pearl having a father as a saint, and a mother as a sinner, gave Pearl a very narrow chance of ridding this pattern of isolation. Although society didn’t bear down on Dimmesdale, his guilty conscience is what got to him. â€Å"The very contiguity of his enemy, beneath whatever mask the latter might conceal himself, was enough to disturb the magnetic sphere of a being so sensitive as Arthur Dimmesdale† (189).The cruel patterns of humanity don’t always come from other people. Ones worst enemy is one’s self. His cruel ways of emotionally and physically tormenting himself were just another isolation tactic. He isolated himself from everyone emotionally because he felt as if the secret was bearing down on his soul. No matter whom you are, or how ‘godly’ you are, you will always fall a victim to the cruel ways of humanity. The main person being singled out by the people is Hester Prynne. Her ability to bounce back and still have a love for the people who have been ridiculing her for 7 years is unbelievable.Although her humility is great, the cycle of isolation will not be broken; â€Å"As was usually the case wherever Hester stood, a small vacant area- a sort of magic circle- had formed itself about her† (230) Her reputation alone gives her this kind of innate ability to after awhile isolate herself. In some parts of the book Hester even tries to isolate herself, from herself; â€Å"She had flirted fancifully with her own image in a pool of water, beckoning the phantom forth, and –as it declined to venture- seeking a passage for herself into its sphere of impalpable earth and unattainable sky† (173).The only thing keeping her back from complete and total freedom is her mindset. Her mind is so isolated from most other people that it would just be hard for her to even think about being part of a crowd again. The only thing keeping her somewhat part of a society greater than herself is her daughter. â€Å"The light lingered about the lonely child, as if glad of such a playmate, until her mother had drawn almost high enough to step into the magic circle too† ( 180). These two are isolated together. They depend on each other yet lead completely different lives.Society bonded them together in isolation, yet in their own little circles, they isolate themselves from each other. The cycle of isolation with humanity has never before been broken. Although it may appear to be an easy pattern to break, there is always someone or some kind of possession that will be thrown to the side and isolated from the rest of society. The patterns occur in this book through objects, people, and Hester. Don’t underestimate the power of isolation, it can make you do things you would never dream of doing. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Scarlet Letter. New York, NY: Tom Doherty Associates, 1989. Print Scarlet Letter In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter the story takes place in Puritanical America where the young Hester Prynne, after committing adultery is punished on the basis of what the town thinks is right. She is simultaneously a part of the town and is also pushed away from it. Hawthorne explores the theme of liminality between society and nature through the motif of setting to convey the isolation that comes with sin. The scaffold (where Hester stands to face her consequences), Hester and Pearl’s cottage, and the brook are all examples of setting that all contain elements of liminality in â€Å"The Scarlet Letter†.Hester stands on the scaffold during the day to fulfill the consequences of her sin. She brings Pearl with her as she is the product of the sin. While the town has knowledge of what she has done they are still unaware of who took part in this crime with her. â€Å"They stood in the noon of that strange and solemn splendor, as if it were the light that is to reveal all secrets and the daybreak that shall unite all who belong to one another. † (135). â€Å"They† is referring to Hester, Pearl, and Dimmesdale; the town’s minister who, the reader now knows, fathered young Pearl.The light and dark imagery indicates the liminal state between the three of them and the rest of the town, â€Å"The light that is to reveal all secrets. † The scaffold also shows a liminal state between Hester and Dimmesdale, â€Å"†¦ and little Pearl, herself a symbol, and the connecting link between those two. † (135) When the three of them are on the scaffold together it shows the unity between them, but also a side that shows they are not fully united with one another. â€Å"All the dread of public exposure, that had so long been the anguish of his life, had returned upon him. (134). The passage â€Å"dread of public exposure† represents the guilt and fear Dimmesdale has about revealing the secret in his sin. This is what shows the liminal state between Hester and Dimmesdale; they sinned together, however only one of them will publically take responsibility for this action. This indicates that while there is a clear connection between the two of them (Pearl) the â€Å"dread of public exposure† creates a distance between them. Hester and Pearl are also, as another consequence, forced to live in a ottage on the edge of the town, isolated from the rest of society. This plays as a symbolic representation of liminality because the two of them are stuck in the area between lawful society and lawless nature. â€Å"It straggled onward into the mystery of the primeval forest. This hemmed it in so narrowly, and stood so black and dense on either side, and disclosed such imperfect glimpses of the sky above, that, to Hester's mind, it imaged not amiss the moral wilderness in which she had so long been wandering. It is said that Hester is recognizing her â€Å"moral wilderness† which further explains how she is not a real part of the Puritanical town but she is â€Å"wandering† within the in-between area of lawful society and lawless nature. Near the end of the story; Hester, Dimmesdale, and Pearl all stand together at the brook. Dimmesdale and Hester have just decided to move to Europe and finally be together where no will know of their previous sinful actions. Pearl stands on one side on the brook by herself, solemnly watching Hester and Dimmesdale who are on the opposite side. This brook is the boundary between two worlds, and that thou canst never meet thy Pearl again† (182). As Hester and Dimmesdale are together there is a clear liminal state between the two of them and Pearl, the words â€Å"boundary between two worlds† indicates the increasing distance created. Hester and Dimmesdale talk about being absolved and rid of the sin â€Å"Be the foregone evil what it might, how could they doubt that their earthly lives and future destinies were conjoined† (180). If Hester and Dimmesdale are rid of their sin, then they will be pushing Pearl away with it, because she is the physical symbol of the sin.In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter the story takes place in Puritanical America where the young Hester Prynne, after committing adultery is punished on the basis of what the town thinks is right. Hawthorne explores the theme of liminality between society and nature through the motif of setting to convey the isolation that comes with sin. Liminality is shown through settings such as the scaffold, the cottage, and the brook. All places that created a drawing distance between Hester, Pearl, and Dimmesdale. In the end, all of the three are lost in the â€Å"middle area† between lawful society and the lawless world of nature. Scarlet Letter In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter the story takes place in Puritanical America where the young Hester Prynne, after committing adultery is punished on the basis of what the town thinks is right. She is simultaneously a part of the town and is also pushed away from it. Hawthorne explores the theme of liminality between society and nature through the motif of setting to convey the isolation that comes with sin. The scaffold (where Hester stands to face her consequences), Hester and Pearl’s cottage, and the brook are all examples of setting that all contain elements of liminality in â€Å"The Scarlet Letter†.Hester stands on the scaffold during the day to fulfill the consequences of her sin. She brings Pearl with her as she is the product of the sin. While the town has knowledge of what she has done they are still unaware of who took part in this crime with her. â€Å"They stood in the noon of that strange and solemn splendor, as if it were the light that is to reveal all secrets and the daybreak that shall unite all who belong to one another. † (135). â€Å"They† is referring to Hester, Pearl, and Dimmesdale; the town’s minister who, the reader now knows, fathered young Pearl.The light and dark imagery indicates the liminal state between the three of them and the rest of the town, â€Å"The light that is to reveal all secrets. † The scaffold also shows a liminal state between Hester and Dimmesdale, â€Å"†¦ and little Pearl, herself a symbol, and the connecting link between those two. † (135) When the three of them are on the scaffold together it shows the unity between them, but also a side that shows they are not fully united with one another. â€Å"All the dread of public exposure, that had so long been the anguish of his life, had returned upon him. (134). The passage â€Å"dread of public exposure† represents the guilt and fear Dimmesdale has about revealing the secret in his sin. This is what shows the liminal state between Hester and Dimmesdale; they sinned together, however only one of them will publically take responsibility for this action. This indicates that while there is a clear connection between the two of them (Pearl) the â€Å"dread of public exposure† creates a distance between them. Hester and Pearl are also, as another consequence, forced to live in a ottage on the edge of the town, isolated from the rest of society. This plays as a symbolic representation of liminality because the two of them are stuck in the area between lawful society and lawless nature. â€Å"It straggled onward into the mystery of the primeval forest. This hemmed it in so narrowly, and stood so black and dense on either side, and disclosed such imperfect glimpses of the sky above, that, to Hester's mind, it imaged not amiss the moral wilderness in which she had so long been wandering. It is said that Hester is recognizing her â€Å"moral wilderness† which further explains how she is not a real part of the Puritanical town but she is â€Å"wandering† within the in-between area of lawful society and lawless nature. Near the end of the story; Hester, Dimmesdale, and Pearl all stand together at the brook. Dimmesdale and Hester have just decided to move to Europe and finally be together where no will know of their previous sinful actions. Pearl stands on one side on the brook by herself, solemnly watching Hester and Dimmesdale who are on the opposite side. This brook is the boundary between two worlds, and that thou canst never meet thy Pearl again† (182). As Hester and Dimmesdale are together there is a clear liminal state between the two of them and Pearl, the words â€Å"boundary between two worlds† indicates the increasing distance created. Hester and Dimmesdale talk about being absolved and rid of the sin â€Å"Be the foregone evil what it might, how could they doubt that their earthly lives and future destinies were conjoined† (180). If Hester and Dimmesdale are rid of their sin, then they will be pushing Pearl away with it, because she is the physical symbol of the sin.In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter the story takes place in Puritanical America where the young Hester Prynne, after committing adultery is punished on the basis of what the town thinks is right. Hawthorne explores the theme of liminality between society and nature through the motif of setting to convey the isolation that comes with sin. Liminality is shown through settings such as the scaffold, the cottage, and the brook. All places that created a drawing distance between Hester, Pearl, and Dimmesdale. In the end, all of the three are lost in the â€Å"middle area† between lawful society and the lawless world of nature.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Demography and Health Scholarship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Demography and Health - Scholarship Essay Example Only a few differences exist where white non Hispanic groups has suicide as one of the top ten causes of death, and another difference is that Homicide and legal intervention is not a top ten cause of death among the white non Hispanic. .. erences exist where white non Hispanic groups has suicide as one of the top ten causes of death, and another difference is that Homicide and legal intervention is not a top ten cause of death among the white non Hispanic. Question 5: In which Hispanic subgroup is the neonatal mortality risk the highest Hispanic subgroups include Mexicans, Puerto Ricans and Cubans, the subgroup with the highest neonatal mortality risk is the Puerto Ricans group with a total high of 7.9. Answer: Puerto Ricans Question 6: In which group is the post-neonatal mortality risk the highest: The group with the highest post neonatal mortality risk is the blacks, the blacks have a total high of 6.3, while the Cubans have the lowest post neonatal mortality risk which is 2.0. Answer: blacks Reference: US Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Service Monthly Vital Statistics Report. Vol 43, No.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Has the Study of Gender Illuminated Men's Lives as Much as Women's Essay

Has the Study of Gender Illuminated Men's Lives as Much as Women's - Essay Example John Tosh1 chronicled how manliness and masculinity have thrived in the eyes of society in various times in history. He says that in the prudent Victorian era, gentlemen were expected to be more cerebral than physical. The times called for a â€Å"mingling of the ethical and the physiological†, however, manliness was heavily influenced by concience than by animal insticts that may sometimes overcome a man. Victorian code dictated manliness to emphasize self-control, hard work and independence. Tosh claims that boys were prepared for more competitive and demanding roles as husband, father and breadwinner. Men were expected to provide for their families a comfortable home and food on the table. Inability to do so earns him a lowly place in society. Women, on the other hand, had to struggle to be recognized as being contributory to society. A woman is romantically viewed as the heart of the home, the primary nurturer of the family, the source of emotional support, however, she ha s evolved into something much more than a homemaker. Traditionally, women have been assigned to care for her family and home while men were tasked to go out to seek livelihood for his family. The mother’s role in the family is a powerful one for women even if men insist that they are the heads of their households. Tosh explains that although fathers talk to their sons about the challenges of adult life and gives them advise accordingly, it is the mothers who had control over a large area of moral education, which, odd as it may seem, include the area of ‘manliness’. 2 The seemingly stronger influence of the woman over the raising of the family may be unsettling for men, hence such is underplayed. John Stuart Mill became intensely unpopular due to his statement divulged in conservative circles truths that people wittingly repress in polite society. He announced that â€Å"the generality of the male sex cannot yet tolerate the idea of living with an equal†3 and this statement was met with much fury, defensiveness, as well as quiet illumination. Tosh contends that middle class men in late Victorian Britain faced a difficult dilemma regarding their own masculinity. They realized that their own manliness has been filtered through the feminine sensibility of their own mothers.4 Joan Scott analyzes how gender studies explain the roles of men and women. She claims that gender is a way of denoting â€Å"cultural constructions† of subjective identities of men and women.5 Weisstein contends that gender is a most complex and intricate phenomenon, but at the interpersonal level, a good portion of the oppressiveness of gender arises from the fact that one person has enormous power over the other6. No other time has such conflict of power been more felt than during the previous world wars. Men felt power in being called out to defend their families and their country while the women they left behind felt empowered being given the responsibili ty for their families and home while the men were away. Historically, the trend of women joining the work force was felt more strongly during war time. Historians have differing views of the changes women have undergone in the two world wars. Arthur Marwick’s stand is that the wars brought about women’s realizations of their rights and innate potentials that were put to the test when they were called out of their home duties and into the workforce7. The

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Week Seven Discussion Topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Week Seven Discussion Topic - Essay Example Lastly, people should understand the diseases that affect the human anatomy like Fibromyalgia so that they can be able to take necessary precautions to prevent them. Wrinkles affect how people look and how others perceive of them hence, scientists have researched on how Botox toxin can be utilized for treating wrinkles (â€Å"A Guide to Skin Care†). Exercise and diet as a very common topic in today’s society, and nutritionists have advised on their use so as to benefit the body (Sukovaty). Tropical treatments have been used over the years and some doctors have suggested their advantages, and why they should be used for treatment of skin disorders (Shailesh). Finally, Fibromyalgia is a very confusing condition and various attempts have been made to demystify its causes hence, it is said to be brought about by various factors (Harvey). Botox treatment for facial wrinkles involves the use of injections to paralyze and block some muscles and nerves on the face. Botox is extracted from food poisoning bacteria that affect the human body. Zelickson highlights that this bacteria can be purified and used in the treatment of wrinkles and other similar ailments through injection of muscles. In my opinion, I think Botox treatment is appropriate for treating wrinkles. This is because the results of treatment are experienced starting from the third day of treatment. Secondly, this method seems to be harmless to other body parts because it only affects the skin muscles, which are injected, or are wrinkled, and not the whole body. The treatment is also a lifestyle treatment because it is optional and the procedure can be repeated after some months. Lastly, this method has no known permanent side effects to doctors and hence, this makes it a safe method with no fear, unlike other suggested methods. Healthy living can be determined by how an

Monday, August 26, 2019

Should All Tobacco Products Be Banned Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Should All Tobacco Products Be Banned - Essay Example Tobacco industries are one of the largest sectors that raise the tax revenues. Banning it would, therefore, result in losing all these millions of dollars that tobacco industries provide. The tax returns from tobacco are also generated from its numerous advertisements and exportation and therefore the country will lose a lot of its income. Â  Thousands of citizens are addicted to tobacco and banning it will, therefore, have its own repercussions from the citizens who will not have been mentally and physically prepared to stop its use. With the sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products being high in some parts of the country, banning this product will, therefore, mean a massive loss of jobs for those working in the tobacco industry’s directly or indirectly and even loss of livelihood for the tobacco farmers. The government, therefore, must be prepared for the increase in unemployment as a result of this ban and also an increase in mentally incapacitated individuals who have been forced to stop tobacco intake whereas they had not been sufficiently prepared. Â  Having presented those arguments, it is time for the reality to be examined. Taxation loss is definitely going to dent the economy. On the other hand, however, the dent might not be as large as the opponents might want to indicate. This is because a ban on tobacco will reduce the negative health effects that accompany tobacco use as stipulated in the introduction sector. The government will, therefore, be saving on the health costs and this will almost balance the reduction in tax revenue. Â  Banning tobacco does not mean that the government will not come up with other industries which can accommodate those who were depending on tobacco for their livelihood. A campaign to ban tobacco and introduce other stimulants that are not necessarily harmful to the people like what happens in rehabilitation centers for those addicted to nicotine should be enforced.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

From the Autobiography Of Malcolm X Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

From the Autobiography Of Malcolm X - Essay Example It is a moment in which a person develops wisdom and comprehension that transforms his or her life. Malcolm’s a-ha moment, from the excerpt, is the period in which he developed literacy and proficiency in English. This moment of development was a period of relief because it terminated Malcolm’s initially developed frustration regarding his poor ability to communicate in writing. He explains that he previously wrote letters to different recipients but the parties never replied to his letters, and although he believes that they might not have received the letters, he admits that the letters were written in sketches and the inability to communicate in writing, as he communicated orally, frustrated him. Malcolm then begun to improve his literacy level by reading while he was in Charlestown prison. This however faced a challenge as he did not understand many words but he pressed on, motivated by people around him. The learning moment however culminated through his study of t he dictionary while he was in Norfolk Prison College and he was later able to read and understand diversified literature (McGraw 21-23). The learning moment was his defining moment because it garnered him the required knowledge and wisdom that he previously lacked. His self-concept of the two periods, before the learning moment and after, explains this. Before the moment, Malcolm was unable to read and write. He admits to this by reporting his frustration from the fact that he could not communicate his opinions in writing as adequately as he could do orally. He was accustomed to slang corrupted language to the extent that he could not write a formal communication, even in Basic English. Malcolm however recons with a high level of literacy and proficiency in his later communications that people associated with a formally educated speaker, but he points out that the achievement is attributable to the learning efforts and opportunities that he had during his moments in prison (McGraw

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Credit scoring model Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Credit scoring model - Coursework Example As a way of solving classification issues and also decreases Type I errors, typical of many credit scoring models, this piece attempts to describe or rather come up with an appropriate credit scoring model via two stages. Classification stage involves development and construction of an ANN-based credit scoring model, which basically classifies applicants into two categories, which are, those who have acceptable credit (good) and those who have unacceptable credit (bad). In the second stage, which will also be referred to as the re-assigning stage, attempt is made to lower Type I error through reassignment of the unaccepted applicants with good credit to a conditionally accepted category making use of a CBR-based classification approach. In a bid to demonstrate the effectiveness of the model proposed in this paper, an analysis is run on a German dataset with assistance of SAS Enterprise Miner. The results will be expected to not only prove that the model is a more effective credit sco ring model but that it will also enhance the business revenues through its ability to lower both Type I and Type II error system scoring errors. Introduction Data mining is a process that involves search and analysis of data so as to find implicit, although substantially vital information. It covers selection, exploration and modeling of large data volumes with the aim of uncovering previously unrecognized patterns, and in the end generate understandable information, from huge databases. It generally employs an extensive range of computational techniques which include approaches such as statistical analysis, decision trees analysis, neural networks review, rule induction and refinement approach, as well as graphic visualization. Of the various mentioned methods, the classification aspect has an important role in decision making within businesses mainly as a result of the extensive applications when it comes to financial forecasting, detection of fraud, development of a marketing str ategy, credit scoring, to mention just but a few. The aim of developing credit scoring models is to assist financial institutions to detect good credit applicants who are more likely to honor their debt obligation. Often such systems are based on multiple variables including the applicant’s age, their credit limit, income levels, as well as marital status, among others. Conventionally, there are many distinct credit scoring models which have been developed by financial as well as researchers in a bid to unravel the mysteries behind classification problem. Such include linear discriminant analysis, logistic regression, multivariate adaptive regression splines, classification, as well as regression tree, case based reasoning, and of course the artificial neural networks. Normally, linear discriminant analysis, logistic regression, and artificial neural networks are utilized in construction of credit scoring models. LDA is amongst the earliest forms of credit scoring model and e njoy widespread usage across the globe. Nonetheless, its use has often been subjected to criticism based on its assumption of existence of a linear relationship between the input variables and the output variables. Sadly, this is an assumption that seldom holds, and is rather sensitive to deviations arising from assumption of multivariate normality (West, 2000). Like LDA, LR is also a rather common alternative employed in performance of credit scoring assessments. In essence, the LR model has stood out as the best

Friday, August 23, 2019

Integrating Professional Engineering Experience - Analyse different Essay

Integrating Professional Engineering Experience - Analyse different managerial techniques to improve an engineering managerial e - Essay Example My professional counterpart, ASM Smith, agreed that our equipment SMEs would liaise with one another to ensure that all systems were in proper working order before making the equipment transfer. This type of inspection is common practice. However, lack of proper planning and the development of a workable operational strategy for the project ultimately led to conflict, uncertainty and replication of roles that should have been coordinated more efficiently to avoid duplicitous job roles. This essay examines a variety of different managerial techniques that could have improved the scenario illustrated by the reflective log so as to improve the managerial environment. Drawing on management theory and reflective learning theory, the essay provides a foundation for a more efficient and productive project management system whilst also challenging the concept of reflective learning. ... Both of the ranking professionals involved in the scenario believed that tasks associated with the project would be best handled utilising our own inspection and job coordination strategies. The informality of our original discussions about the project led to a breakdown of knowledge transfer that would have made the situation more efficient and scheduled according to a set timeline for completion. The bureaucratic and highly centralised structure of the military served as a catalyst for attitudes that involved self-protectionism, concern over reputation, and a highly political environment which complicated effective communications and coordination of resources and talent. In very political environments with this type of vertical structure, lack of transparency, lack of open communications, and self-protectionism tend to alienate other members of the organisation. A phenomenon referred to as a lack of psychological safety is created in this environment, leading to hazy communications systems and where members of the organisation become afraid to offer solutions and speak up (Terrell 1989). This is what occurred in the scenario, which ultimately led to frustration and a lack of motivation to be more forthcoming about establishing a more formal project management system. The political dynamics of our organisation also led to untrusting relationships whilst ASM Smith was concerned about protecting the reputation and senior-level perceived competency about following procedures and generally his role as an efficient manager and leader. Furthermore, since ASM Smith and myself had little professional experience working co-dependently, there was not the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Essay question about documentary film Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Question about documentary film - Essay Example Establishing the truth was not the purpose. Capturing the Friedmans was shown as realistic and transparent In what ways does Jarecki’s representation of the â€Å"documentary impulse† reverberate with Tom Gunning’s definition? (agree) Jarecki's creating a document from a group of facts corresponds with Gunn's definition. Jarecki's document doesn't show his viewer many direct facts other than lawyer repeating Mr Friedman's confession once he is in prison of getting "excited being by the four year old". We are witness to the young man who said he was hypnotized before confessing. In both men's definition, the viewer is the onlooker. In discretionary moments were displayed but they were explained verbally. It is difficult to believe that the rest of the family knew nothing was going on for so many years. There were moments of high emotions with some embarrassment. What does Capturing the Friedmans tell us about documentary impulses that Gunning doesn’t? (diff erent) Capturing the Friedmans was a soul searching verbal diary of one boy of the video history of he and his family while growing up. There was no visible proof in the film of any in discretionary acts. Facts can be created or implied from a set of videos, and then later proved otherwise. There were no actual facts which came from the documentary impulse of Jarecki.

Product â€Amazon Kindle Fire Essay Example for Free

Product –Amazon Kindle Fire Essay Products are not only the physical goods that we typically think of them; they also include services – sometimes as a different product and many a times as an extension of the product itself. At the heart of every product (or service) is providing value to consumers and getting value in return from them in the form of profits. With virtually every attractive market flooded with numerous competitors, service as an extension of the product offered sometimes becomes the point of differentiation (Zappos. com) and some other times becomes the USP of a product (Dell computers and Southwest Airlines). This extension of the concept of a product which strives to add value to the core product benefit encompasses what we can call as an ‘augmented product’. The concept of the augmented product can be better illustrated with the diagram shown in Appendix 1. Even while competing with hordes of similar products, the Kindle Fire is much more than just another ‘Me too’ tablet. It is a media device, not a substitute for the ipad or the PC. It is simply a device you can use to read books, watch videos, listen to music, play simple games and connect to the web. It is a platform to make Amazon products and services easily accessible. Amazon is a global online retail behemoth which I feel it can leverage very well to spur the growth of a host of its product offerings placed on its Kindle Fire platform. Thus, it really is a bundle of a variety of products and this combination makes it an interesting concept. However, will this strategic move really have any effect on Amazon’s bottom line is still to be seen. Interestingly, the sales numbers of the device don’t say anything about the success of the strategy, the effect of these sales on the bottom line (if people spend on the website services) will hold the key for the company. There are mainly 2 types of Kindle Fire devices available – advertising subsidized and the one without advertising on it. Amazon is, like many other tech players, interested in controlling the underlying system – end-to-end customer interaction. Reports say that the advertising subsidized versions are doing much better sales than the premium version. Pricing The real beauty of the product is its pricing when compared to similar products by Apple, Samsung and Google. The pricier tablets out in the market do offer sometimes larger memories, better picture quality, better screen resolutions, cellular capabilities; the Kindle fire still provides the biggest bang for the buck. The additional features like profile sharing capabilities with innovative content filtering capabilities coupled with Amazon’s huge collection of books, music, movies, games and other such applications make this product well worth its cost. Amazon is trying a revolutionary new strategy on its kindle products – it is selling the hardware at cost to drive its sales of online media products (which enjoy higher profit margins) through their hardware platforms. This is notably different from Apple and Google who make money on every product they sell (Apple even boasts of such a value added services based eco-system). Amazon’s strategy has historically been customer-centric and the Kindle Fire fits perfectly into their strategy going forward. With cheap hardware, it retains present customers and attracts thousands of new ones every day. Place Place is one of the factors that can work both in favor and against Amazon. Amazon wants to sell the Kindle Fire in the countries it can and already does sell its online services. It makes absolutely no money on the devices sold unless people respond to their ads and spend on their website. Currently, the device will be up-for-sale in the US, a few European countries, The major location for sale of the devices is the website itself which saves overhead costs but limits customer reach to a certain extent. Many customers like to see, compare and play with their products to convince themselves of its value. This makes it tougher for the Kindle Fire to compete with other tablet products that have wide physical presence in the market. This can be turned to say that Amazon controls its product strategy and the message it wants to reach the public. Promotion Kindle Fire is being portrayed as a device the whole family can share and use. The new Kindle FreeTime feature enables a parent to filter content available to kids and kids can enjoy an interface and appearance more appealing to them. Amazon, like many other tech companies, does not really appreciate the use of ‘Marketing’ terminologies internally but acknowledges the importance of the marketing tools of consumer-centric approach and a unified strategic approach to all of its products. Amazon thinks of itself as an innovative technology company and does not like to allocate too many resources to the traditional mediums of marketing – like the print or TV ads. Word of mouth is a big positive factor for Amazon’s products. Mr. Jeff bezos, the founder and CEO of Amazon has himself said that they make no money on the hardware but expect to make money on the services (Razor and blades strategy). This is a very bold new approach and is yet to be proven successful or otherwise. This created a media buzz which reached the public (which is the end goal – to reach the mass). Mr. Bezos has appeared on some other shows and has been present at press conferences to address questions, to derive as much promotion from every public event as possible. Kindle has also been placed in visual and spoken product placements multiple times in popular TV series like ‘The Big Bang Theory’ and even featured on the Oprah Winfrey show (with Jeff Bezos himself) and her website (a short tutorial video featuring Jeff Bezos again). Present status Customers began receiving their Kindle Fires on November 15, 2011, and in the following December, customers purchased over 1 million Kindle devices per week. International Data Corporation (IDC) estimated that the Kindle Fire sold about 4.7 million units during the fourth quarter of 2011. Recently, the Amazon Kindle Fire helped the company beat their 2012 first quarter estimates. As of October 2012, the Kindle Fire is the second-best-selling tablet after Apples iPad, with about 7 million units sold according to estimates by Forrester Research.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Multiferroics: Explanation of Types and Plants

Multiferroics: Explanation of Types and Plants Chapter 2 Multiferroics 2.1 Introduction to Multiferroics: H. Schmid used the term multiferroic for the first time in 1994. Those materials which combine multiple ferroic properties such as ferromagnetism, ferroelectricity and ferroelasticity are known as multiferroics. Simultaneous coexistence of at least two ferroic properties takes place in the same phase in multiferroics. It has the feasibility of exhibiting coupling between ferroelectricity and magnetism which is known as the magnetoelectric effect (ME). This ME enables the external electric field to change magnetization [1]. Each multiferroic property is closely connected to symmetry. The principal ferroic properties can be characterized by their behavior under time and space inversion. For example the direction of polarization P is reversed by Space inversion while leaving the magnetization M invariant. In turn, time reversal will change the sign of M, while the sign of P remains invariant. A simultaneous violation of space and time inversion symmetry is required by Magnetoelectric multiferroics [2]. There are also various potential applications of multiferroic such as information storage, spintronics, sensors and microelectronics devices in the field of material science due to the presence of strong coupling of electric, magnetic and structural order parameters. These parameters gave rise to simultaneous occurrence of ferroelectricity, ferroelasticity and ferromagnetism [3]. Application of magnetic field can induce intrinsic polarization and application of external electric field can induce magnetization in any magnetoelectric compound. Apart of industrial application, these coupling of properties in magnetoelectric compounds makes them important from physics point of view because of their enriched physical properties. However very few materials shows both these ferroic properties at or above room temperature [4]. Two fundamental forces of nature are magnetism and electricity. Combination of these two properties in a single multiferroic material is applicable for many practical applications such as they can be used as magnetic sensors in which the sign of their electric polarization changes with a small magnetic field. These effects are important to understand as multiferroics are not only quite rare but their properties also helps to develop materials where these effects are suitably strong for applications. A beam of x-rays are used to study the magnetic properties of multiferroics. The electronic states of the iron ions in the crystal are specifically probed by the x-rays which are related to its magnetic properties. This experiment reveals that these electronic states extend throughout the material in a periodic manner. It breaks the crystal symmetry and leads to a shift of the electrically charged atoms in the crystal which is responsible for multiferroic properties. Each iron atoms is surrounded by a symmetric arrangement of oxygen atoms and the magnetic moments of the iron atoms are in disorder at room temperature whereas the magnetic moments are assumed to have the shape of a screw at low temperatures. The energy of the chemical bonds are slightly altered by each magnetic moment in the crystal which depends on the relative orientation between the chemical bond direction and the magnetic moment. The resulting force distorts the crystal structure which leads to an electric polarization [5]. Recently, multiferroics due to their potential properties such as comprising of ferroelectric and ferromagnetic ordering in elastically distorted systems have drawn a major attention of researchers for fabrication of magnetic and ferroelectric devices. High dielectric constant, low dielectric loss, high temperature phase transition and small structural distortion occurs mainly due to the electric, magnetic and stress field applied on the materials for multifunctional applications. In the process of development of new materials, many novel materials have been detected for different purposes due to their useful and interesting properties [6]. 2.2 Types of Multiferroics: Multiferroics can be divided into two groups: Type-I Multiferroics2) Type-II Multiferroics Type-I Multiferroics: This type of multiferroics are older, more numerous and are good ferroelectrics. Above room temperature, the critical temperatures of the magnetic and ferroelectric transitions can be well. In these materials, the coupling between magnetism and ferroelectricity is unfortunately weak [14]. Different origin of ferroelectricity and magnetism in type-I multiferroic are mostly due to different active subsystems of a material. There is a certain coupling between breaking time reversal symmetry, breaking spatial inversion symmetry, ferroelectric order parameter, magnetic order parameter in such type-I multiferroics. In these materials, ferroelectricity can have a number of possible microscopic origins [7]. For example: BiFeO3 with the ferroelectric transition temperature Tc higher then the Neel transition temperature TN. [8] Type-II Multiferroics: Due to the recent discovery of a novel class of multiferroics, there is the biggest excitement as ferroelectricity exists only in a magnetically ordered state and is caused by a particular type of magnetism. A nonzero electric polarization occurs in the low temperature phase [14] . For example CuFeO2 with Tc = TN [15]. The magnetic and/or electric polarization of the barrier controls the current driven through a magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) with a multiferroic tunnel barrier. Multiferroic tunnel junctions is referred to the junctions with a multiferroic tunnel barrier. The use of a multiferroic material as a tunnel barrier and ferromagnetic materials as leads in MFTJs would lead to 8 possible resistive states of such junctions [9]. Figure 1.3: Multiferroic tunneljunction (left) and eight resistive states that it provides (right). The ferroelectric polarization is depicted with the black arrow; the white arrow stands for the magnetization. Cupric Ferrite (CFO): type-II multiferroic has attracted increasing attention due to the recent discovery of ferroelectricity in the first magnetic field induced phase. It is considered as a distinct class of magnetoelectric (ME) multiferroics [10]. Magnetic field induced generates a spontaneous electric polarization parallel to the helical axis in delafossite compound CuFeO2 [11]. Delafossite crystals have general formula ABO2, where A represents cations which are linearly co-ordinated with two oxygen ions and B represents cations, situated in distorted edge-sharing BO6 octahedra [12]. The materials possesse R m space group and have found very useful device applications because of different properties such as superconductivity, large magnetoresistance, thermoelectric effects and multiferroicity [13]. It has Hexagonal crystal structure. Figure 1.Crystal structure of CuFeO2 with the hexagonal unit cell [14] These effects make them potential candidates for device applications in such kind of multiferroic materials. CFO was first discovered by Friedel and Hebd12 in 1873 and it is considered to be one of the promising materials of this group [15]. CFO was broadly studied in past decade due to its pleasing antiferromagnetic properties at liquid helium temperatures. Numerous magnetic phase transitions and multiferroicity due to geometrical frustrations at low temperature are seen by this antiferromagnet on a triangular lattice [16, 17, 18, 19]. The delafossite structure of CFO consists of hexagonal layers of Cu, O and Fe accumulated with a Cu-O-Fe sequence along the c-axis in order to form a layered triangular lattice antiferromagnet. It is a p-type semiconductor with low conductivity ÏÆ'=1.53 53 S/cm, high Seebeck coefficient S=544 V/K, and a small bandgap of 1.15 eV. The electrical and optoelectrical properties of CFO were explored by by Benko and Koffyberg [20, 21]. By combining two of the fundamental forces of nature i.e magnetism and electricity in a single multiferroic material in which one controls the other is not only of basic interest, but also significant for practical applications. Multiferroic materials can also be used as magnetic sensors in which the sign of their electric polarization is changed with a small magnetic field. A new mechanism has been verified after studying the properties of the multiferroic CuFeO2 by which magnetism and electricity can be coupled in a single material. Magnetism and ferroelectricity are coupled in different ways in multiferroics. Apart of multiferroics being quite rare, a better understanding of their properties is essential as it helps to develop materials where these effects are suitably strong for applications. the magnetic properties of CuFeO2 using a beam of x-rays were studied by the researchers. This study reveals that these electronic states extend throughout the material in a periodic manner which is directly responsible for the multiferroic properties as it breaks the crystal symmetry and leads to a shift of the electrically charged atoms in the crystal. Each of the iron atoms is surrounded by a symmetric arrangement of oxygen atoms and the magnetic moments of the iron atoms are in disorder at room temperature. The energy of the chemical bonds is slightly altered by each magnetic moment in the crystal which depends on the relative orientation between the magnetic moment and the chemical bond direction. The crystal structure is then distorted by the resulting force which leads to an electric polarization [22]. Several routes for the synthesis of multiferroics are being applied such as solid state synthesis hydrothermal synthesis, sol-gel processing, Sol-Gel autocombustion, vacuum based deposition, floating zone [23]. In the present study, modified Sol-Gel autocombustion technique is used. Processing techniques influence the physical properties and the ideal synthesis techniques provide superior control over the parameters such as crystallite size, distribution of particle sizes and interparticle spacing which have the greatest impact on the magnetic and other properties [24, 25]. In present work we have adopted sol-gel auto-combustion technique because of some advantages over other methods like the reagents are simple compounds, special equipments are not required, agglomeration of powders remains limited and dopant can be easily introduced into the final product. The properties of the final product such as particle size, surface area and porosity depend on the method of combustion [26, 27] 2.3 Plants: According to the literature reviews, various microorganisms such as fungi, yeasts algae and bacteria are used for the biosynthesis of nanoparticles but presently a new trend has come to force the use of plants for the fabrication of nanoparticles because of its spontaneous, economical, eco-friendly protocol, suitable for large scale production and single step technique for the biosynthesis process [28]. The major mechanism examined for the synthesis of nanoparticles mediated by the plants is due to the presence of phytochemicals which are responsible for the spontaneous reduction of ions are flavonoids, terpenoids, carboxylic acids, quinones, aldehydes, ketones and amides [29]. The botanical details about the currently used flowers for the study of synthesis of Cupric Ferrite are as follows: Delonix Regia [30] Rosa indica: [31] Vinca [32] Hibiscus [33] Jasmine [34] Euphobia milli [35] Alamanda [36] References [1] I. E. Dzyaloshinskii, Sov. Phys. JETP 10, 628 (1960). [2] Hill, J.Phys. Chem. B 104, 6694 (2000). [3] M. E. McHENRY and D. E. LAUGHLIN, Acta mater. 48, 223, (2000). [4] Samar Layek* and H. C. Verma,Adv. Mat. Lett. 3(6), 533 (2012). [5] Tanaka, Y., et al. Incommensurate orbital modulation behind ferroelectricity in CuFeO2, PHYS REV LETT. 109, 127205, (2012). [6] Jyoshna Rout, R. Padhee, Piyush R. Das and R.N.P. Choudhary, Adv. Appl. Phy. 1 105, (2013). 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Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Quantitation by Extraction

Quantitation by Extraction Syed Masood Hassan Akbari INTRODUCTION A liquid-liquid extraction phase consists of a component (a) which is to be removed from the feed phase. The addition of a second phase (b) a solvent phase which is immiscible with the feed phase but the component (a) is soluble in both the feed phase and the solvent phase. As it happens the solute (a) is transferred from the feed phase to the solvent phase. After extraction the feed and solvent phases are called the raffinate and the extract phases respectively. Usually one of the two phases is an organic phase while the other is an aqueous phase. Under equilibrium conditions the distribution of the solute (a) over the two phases is determined by the distribution law. After the extraction the two phases can be segregated because of their immiscibility. Component (a) is then separated from the extract phase by distillation and the solvent is then regenerated. Further extractions may be carried out to remove more of the component (a). Once the product of interest has been extracted finally an absorbance reading can be found at its corresponding ÃŽ »max. Figure 1: Shows the chemical structure of trimethoprim. Figure 2: Shows the chemical structure of sulfamethoxazole. This experiment consisted of three main components: The quantification of trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole in a suspension of Septrin. Interpreting the data gathered and using it in calculating the content of trimethoprim in Septrin. Interpreting the data gathered and using it in calculating the content of sulfamethoxazole in Septrin. EXPERIMENTAL Extraction of trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole from SEPTRIN. Figure 3: Illustrates a schematic of the entire extraction procedure consisting of trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole in SEPTRIN oral solution. Sulfamethoxazole (Standard, Sample and Blank prep) Figure 4: Illustrates sulfamethoxazole’s sample preparation. The standard was prepared in the exact manner in a 250ml volumetric flask with using 0.2g of sulfamethoxazole in 50ml 0.1M NaOH and topping up with water. The procedure to follow was the exact same as the sample prep. The blank was prepared in the same manner and water was used along with the reagents outlined above in sample prep. Trimethoprim (Sample and Blank prep) The already extracted bottom layer with chloroform was extracted again using four 50ml quantities of 1M acetic acid and the top layers were combined and washed with 5ml chloroform and the top layer added to a 250ml volumetric flask and filled with 1M acetic acid to the mark. 10ml of this solution was then added to another 100ml volumetric flask and 10ml of 1M acetic acid was also added and topped up with water. The blank was made by using 0.2M acetic acid solution. RESULTS Determining the quantity of trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole in an oral suspension of SEPTRIN. Table 1: Shows the absorbance values obtained at each respective Ɔºmax for trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole. Calculations: Trimethoprim The sample had a dilution factor of 1:1000 which meant that there were two dilutions carried out where the suspension was diluted to 250ml, which is a 1:100 dilution. Secondly the sample was diluted too 100ml, which is a 1:10 dilution. These two dilutions steps combined gave a 1:1000 dilution factor. The calculations were carried out as below. 2.5ml in 250ml 1:100 (Dilution ratio) 1:10 (10ml in 100ml) Therefore 1:1000 dilution factor. Absorbance: 0.332 x 1000 = 332 A1%/1cm=204 so 1% solution has 204 absorbance 1%conc = 204 X = 332 332(1)/204 = x X= 1.627% w/v It complies with the compliance limit of (1.44-1.76)% w/v. Sulfamethoxazole 0.2g in 250ml 200mg in 250ml (1:100 dilution ratio) 0.8mg in 1ml (1:50 dilution) 0.016mg in 1ml (1:10 dilution) 0.0016mg in 1ml Sample of sulfamethoxazole absorbance = 0.075 So, 0.0016mg in 1ml = 0.293 And, x = 0.025 0.0250.0016/0.293 = x X = 0.0001365mg in 1ml 0.0001365mg in 1 ml x 50000 = 6.826mg in 1ml 6.826mg in 1ml à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   0.06826g in 1ml à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   6.826g in 100ml X = 6.826% w/v It does not comply with the compliance limit of (7.4-8.6)% w/v. Trimethoprim and Sulfamethoxazole The concentration of trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole in 5ml of SEPTRIN were calculated as shown below. Trimethoprim: 1.627% à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   1.627g in 100ml So, x in 5ml 100x = 8.135g X = 0.08135g in 5ml SEPTRIN Sulfamethoxazole: 6.826% à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   6.826g in 100ml So, x in 5ml 100x = 34.13g X = 0.3413g in 5ml SEPTRIN CONCLUSION The active ingredients in SEPTRIN, trimethoprim 1.627% w/v and sulfamethoxazole 6.826% w/v were segregated by extraction. The concentrations of trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole in the 2.5ml suspension were calculated to be as stated above respectively. The content of trimethoprim fell within the compliance limit but for the sulfamethoxazole the content fell a bit short of the compliance limit suggesting apparatus malfunction or human error in making up sample. Trimethoprim complies with the limit set out on the BP but for sulfamethoxazole it falls under the limit stated on the BP. QUESTIONS Illustrate the extraction procedure. Support the separating funnel in a ring clamp on a ring stand. Make sure the stopcock of the funnel is closed. Place a stemmed funnel in the neck of the separating funnel. Add the liquid to be extracted, then add the extraction solvent. The total volume in the separating funnel should not be greater than 75% of the funnel volume. Insert a stopper in the neck of the separating funnel. Pick up the separating funnel with the stopper in place and the stopcock closed, and shake it once gently. Point the stem away from your face and slowly open the stopcock to release some build-up of excess pressure, reclose the stopcock and repeat this procedure until only a small amount of pressure is released with it is vented. Shake the funnel vigorously for a minute, release the pressure and then again repeat the step of shaking a few times till there is less pressure and the solutes are at equilibrium between the two solvents. Place the funnel back into the ring and let it rest undisturbed until the layers are clearly segregated. While waiting, remove the stopper and place a beaker under the separating funnel. Carefully open the stopcock and allow the lower layer to drain into the beaker. Drain just to the point that the upper liquid barely reaches the stopcock. The top layer can be left in the separating funnel if further extractions need to be carried out which do need to be carried out. When finished with the separating funnel store the stopper away from the funnel. Explain why sulfamethoxazole is soluble in the alkaline aqueous solution and trimethoprim is not? It is already known that trimethoprim is classified as a benzylpyrimidine and it protentiates the antimicrobial activity of sulphonamides eg., sulfamethoxazole. So trimethoprim has a tendency to form insoluble complexes when combined with sulfamethoxazole in alkaline aqueous media. Write out the chemical reaction which leads to the coloured product. The reaction mechanism above shows the coloured dyeing agent N-(naphthalene-1-yl)ethane-1,2-diamine reacting with the diazonium to form the coloured product. Why is ammonium sulphanate added? What would happen if it was forgotten? AMS is used as a reagent to speed up the chemical reaction if it is not included in the reaction before adding the dying agent then the process will either delay in reaching to its completion or not reach it at all. After extraction of sulfamethoxazole, how is the organic solvent processed? The organic solvent was extracted in four 50ml quantities of 1 M acetic acid. The upper layers were all combined and kept and washed with 5ml of chloroform. The top layer was then dispensed into a 250ml volumetric flask and topped up with 1 M acetic acid. 10ml of this solution was transferred to a 100ml volumetric flask, 10ml of 1 M acetic acid was also added and the flask was topped up with water. A blank was made and the sample from the organic layer was read at 271nm.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Most Important Thing To ME :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The very first practice together was the most intimidating experience I have ever had. A group of freshman, including myself, were waiting in the Chorus room and then it was time. We walked into the double doors and the whole West Haven High School band was standing up and clapping. I thought to myself, â€Å"Why are they clapping?† After everyone was seated, our director, Mr. Crabtree said, â€Å"This is your family for the next four years.† It wasn’t until my senior year in high school that I found out how much that really meant.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I’ve been in band for seven years now and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it. The band director now, Ms. Marcella, says, â€Å"This is YOUR band, get involved!† because there is just so many things to get involved with. I thought that band just during school was exciting, but there was so much more to that. There is Band Council, Ensembles, Pep Band, Jazz Band, Leadership Positions, local performances, and much more I had missed out on during my freshman and sophomore year.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In my junior year I joined Band Council, Clarinet Ensemble, and ran for Field Leader and Office Assistant for the Leadership Team. I did not receive the position of Field Leader, but did receive the position of Office Assistant. I was very grateful for this position because in order to try out for this position, I had to attend 5 meetings, write an essay on why I wanted these positions, and make a 3 minute marching performance.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Office Assistant means that I have responsibility to ensure all music in use is fully stocked at all times, fill music orders 24 hours of submission, spend at least one day a week after school or during a free period working in the Band Library, assist Section Leaders in handing out music, work to keep the rooms clean and keep rehearsals productive, and in my opinion, the most important responsibility, is to set an example for the Band to follow. There are 200 members in the band and once someone sees someone joking around and not follow the rules, others will follow.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The most important thing to me is band.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Indie Music :: essays research papers

I heard the term "indie" bounced around a lot these days and I wonder what the definition of indie is. I think of it as a reference to a musician, small record label or film company without an affiliation with a major corporation. I read this article by Bob Baker, the author of "Branding Yourself Online: How to Use the Internet to Become a Celebrity or Expert in Your Field" and the "Guerrilla Music Marketing Handbook." He defines I-N-D-I-E as: I - Inspired He said to embrace the indie frame of mind, you must be inspired. You have to know in your gut that music is what you are meant to do. You must become energized when writing, recording and performing your music. When this kind of natural inspiration comes over you, it's a sure sign that you're on the right path. And you will need this desire to carry you through the ups and downs of pursuing the independent music path. N - Nontraditional Indie musicians don't mind learning about what has come before, and they are happy to listen to the "rules" that others say are required to have a successful music career. However, the smartest indie artists keep their minds flexible and constantly ask questions about how the supposed "rules" of the past really apply to them. They actually develop a mindset that seeks out the road less traveled. And when they spot a good idea that's off the traditional path, they fearlessly go after it without apologies. D - Determined Successful indie artists are fixated on their goals and determined to reach them. They still leave room to veer from the original plan, when needed, but they are steadfast in their desire to produce more and better music, reach more fans, sell more CDs, etc. With this attitude, obstacles become short-term learning experiences along the road to higher levels of success. I - Innovative Being an indie means thinking outside of the proverbial box and looking at fresh opportunities from every angle. It means not promoting yourself the same way a thousand other acts have done it.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Web Calculator Exercise 2

Question 1 a. Mean age = 960/20=48 b. Standard Deviation = 10. 74832 Web address: http://easycalculation. com/statistics/standard-deviation. php Frequency distribution table for denomination. Score f(frequency) 1 1 2 2 4 2 5 1 6 3 7 3 8 1 9 3 10 3 12 1 N=30 c. What is the percentage of people who identify themselves as Baptist? 3/20 = . 15 x 100 = 15% What is the mode of church attendance? 5 Question 2 a. What is the Z score for a car with a price of $33,000? Z=2. 85714286 b. What is the Z score for a car with a price of $30,000? Z=2 Web address for calculator: http://www. danielsoper. com/statcalc3/calc. spx? id=22 c. At what percentile rank is a car that sold for $30,000? 97. 72% Web calculator used: http://easycalculation. com/statistics/zscore-to-percentile. php 3. One student’s Math score was 70 and the same individual’s English score was 84. On which exam did the student do better? Math: +3 points divided by 9. 58 SD = . 3132 English: + 6 points divided by 12. 45 SD = . 482 The student did better on the English test. 4. Suppose you administered an anxiety test to a large sample of people and obtained normally distributed scores with a mean of 45 and standard deviation of 4. Do not use web-calculator to answer the following questions.Instead, you need to use the Z distribution table in Appendix A in Jackson’s book. a. If Andrew scored 45 on this test. What is the Z score? Z=45-45 z=0 4 b. If Anna scored 30 oh this test. What is her Z score? Z=30-45 Z=-3. 75 4 c. If Bill’s Z score was 1. 5, what is his real score on this test? 1. 5 = x-45 X=51 4 d. There are 200 students in a sample. How many of these students will have scores that fall under the score of 41? Z=41-45 Z= -1 According to Appendix A . 159 x 200 Answer = 31. 8 fall under 41 4 5. Obtain the Persaon’s r and coefficient of determination for the following relationships. . Between the IQ and psychology scores. r=. 59231 Determination= . 35084 WEB: http://easycalcul ation. com/statistics/r-squared. php b. Between the IQ and statistics score. r= . 73667 Determination= . 54268 WEB: http://easycalculation. com/statistics/r-squared. php c. Between the psychology scores and statistics scores. r= . 71050 Determination = . 50480 WEB: http://easycalculation. com/statistics/r-squared. php 6. Using a web-calculator, obtain the appropriate correlation coefficients. r= . 85190 http://easycalculation. com/statistics/r-squared. php

Application of Motivation Theories in Organizations

Once Inside the website, your first task Is to click on your neighborhood, clearly Indicated on a large Interactive flash map. For Example, If you vive in Kamala or Heliports, you would click the corresponding section on the map. Every conceivable restaurant chain and independent eatery is present on Total. Com like ( KEF, Pizza Hut, McDonald's, Hardness, Chili†s , AIBO El Side, Cook Door, Pedicures, Manikin and much more even El-Table El-Idiomatic & Arrack) you will find them on Total. Com this Is Like fifteen or twenty food courts put together!Detailed menus are posted, complete with Images, descriptions and prices. Items from efferent restaurants can be placed simultaneously in one order, via a user-friendly ordering engine, and the best thing about that you don't have to put your credit card number, you will pay on delivery without any extra fee. The advantage of total. Com: 1 . You can save your favorite order so that you can order them In ONE click the next order 3. You c an set a delivery time for your order to receive it in a later time 4. You can easily find your preferred restaurants' updated menus. 5.You don't have to memorize all your preferred restaurants' phone numbers 6. You eliminate any possibility of being put on hold or redialing after a busy signal 7. Avoid errors done by restaurants' operators. 8. Unlike phone calls you get the chance of winning prizes on your orders. The disadvantage of total. Com: 1 . Sometimes the order can be cancelled 2. Some items were missing or not as the ones you requested 3. Sometimes take a long time to receive the order 4. Not all areas are available as not all areas are included in the delivery services of the restaurants' listed on Total. Com.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Peter Stark Essay

Summary of Stark’s article Peter Stark’s article As Freezing Persons Recollect The Snow—First Chill—Then Stupor—Then The Letting go: the cold hard facts of freezing to death talks and explains what happens to the human body when a person is freezing to death but it also gives an enjoyable story for the reader. The character in this story is in his way to a friend’s house for dinner and night cross country ski when his jeep slides off the road and gets stuck in a snow bank. Stark made it clear that his character was not panicked at first but just simply worried about missing the dinner with his friends. Not wanting to miss his plans the character puts his skis on, looks at the map, and heads to the cabin on top of the hill. While this story is unfolding Stark includes scientific data about the lowest core temperature a human can have before perishing. The character wants to save time by going up the steep hill instead of following the road that has many switch backs this is wh en everything starts to go wrong. The character goes for about an hour with no sign of the road, while assessing the map he hears a metallic pop and a piece of his binding has popped out. The character is trying to find the piece of his binding and while he does this his body temperature begins to lower after finding the piece his core temperature has lowered a substantial amount. The character has now started to panic and decides to go back to the jeep and its warmth on his way down he falls and lands pretty hard and he is feeling very tired so decides to rest. The rest of the story goes on with him losing and gaining conciseness but his body is too weak to get up and move on and more data about core temperatures and hypothermia. The friends find the character in the snow half naked but he isn’t dead he has a faint heart beat so they take him to the hospital and the doctor brings up his core temperature. The character survives. Stark, Peter.â€Å"As Freezing Persons Recollect The Snow—First Chill†”Then Stupor—Then The Letting go: the cold hard facts of freezing to death†. Outside magazine. Outside online. January 1997.web 26.aug. 2010

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Emily Carr Research Essay

Emily was accepted by the Group of Seven, and by far is British Columbians favorite artist. Emily Carr was a rave girl who strode to be different and was not afraid to show off her unique style of art. Her interest and talent for art was recognized when she was still just a small girl. Emily was born on December 13, 1871 , in what was then, the small provincial town of Victoria, BC. She was the second youngest in her family Out Of the six children. Both Of her parents, Richard and Emily, were English; therefore, English manners and values were followed in Scars family.Emily had a pretty good relationship with her family during her childhood. Her mother although was almost always sick, and that left her eldest sister [Edith] to raise and discipline the younger children along with Email's father 1. All in all, Emily respected and loved her siblings, which is clearly demonstrated in her writing in â€Å"The Book of Small. † â€Å"My sister Alice was two years older than I and kn ew a lot. Leslie was two years older than Alice and thought she knew it all. My big sister did know everything. † 2 1- Maria Tippet, Emily Carr: A Biography, peg. 2- Emily Carr, The Book of small Emily began art lessons while she was still in school, receiving instructions from some resident artists of Victoria. While still a teenager her parents passed away, and finances became tight. Art was really the only thing that separated her from her sisters who couldn't understand her work or desire to pursue It in spite of their financial problems. Out of all her sisters, Emily was the only one who took art seriously. Carr didn't find school to be of any appeal to her, and she didn't want to follow in her sisters' footsteps.So at age 17, after getting permission from her legal guardian Edith, she attended the San Francisco Art School. San Francisco turned out to be just the start of Car's journey. Although it med like she learned a lot, Emily still wanted more. â€Å"l had not lear ned very much, not half what I had intended to absorb once I got into the Old country. † 3 After spending more than three years in San Francisco, Carr returned to Victoria. For six years Emily taught art to children in Victoria, while saving up enough money for her to travel to England and continue her studies.This wasn't the only thing that Emily did over those couple of years. Carr had a fascination with Indians from childhood, and it grew with her as Emily matured into a woman. After returning from San Francisco, and spending mom time in Victoria, Emily set off for a real life adventure in Clientele to spend some time living with Natives on their reserve. 4 The native people accepted her easily in their homes and lives, and she developed a special relationship with them. Emily preferred to live a different lifestyle than most Victorians; she was more interested in learning the indigenous way of life.She often traveled by boat, and spent nights alone, sleeping in a tent. As she deepened herself in the native spirituality and grew stronger relationships with the Clutter people, they named her Kale Wick, The Laughing One. Maria Tippet, Emily Carr: A Biography, peg. 63-4 4 – Maria Tippet, Emily Carr: A Biography, peg. 30-31 After a few years Carr took her savings and finally continued her formal studies in England at the Westminster School of Art, and also in private studios of a number of British watercolors. Later she traveled to France, which turned out to be more inspiring for her.Finding Paris too stressful for her, she chose to tramp through the French countryside. Staying in small towns and villages she painted, and this is where her art journey started to take on a more Post-Impressionist style. In the small town of Creche-en-Erie and later on in SST. Flame, Carr studied under Philae Gibbs. It was from him that she finally found her true art passion, learning to translate the landscape from a realistic impression to a new, abstract realizat ion, influenced by the Fauves and Cubists, then in vogue in Paris. 5 Although Carr learned a lot in France, she did not feel that she wanted to stay there for long.She was not respected by many, and she struggled to communicate with most French people, especially men. Most importantly, Emily felt homesick in this foreign land. So after spending about 14 months in France she returned to Victoria in 191 1. As it turned out, Car's art wasn't appreciated in the more traditional, strait-laced artistic world of Victoria and Vancouver. In the summer of 191 2, Carr created a great amount of watercolors paintings using her new French style. Her work didn't sell well, and she received lots of negative criticism.After that Carr almost gave up art, but her spirit changed as did her luck when an ethnologist bought two of her paintings. That same ethnologist came back 12 years later to show Email's painting to the director of the National Gallery n Ottawa. 1927 was the official year that everythi ng changed for Emily; it was the year that she traveled to Ottawa to attend the December opening of the Canadian West Coast Art show at the National Gallery. There she met the members of the Group of Seven. Even before Emily arrived, she could already feel that she was heading towards some sort of destiny.The trip did become a huge event for Carr that spun her whole life around. The painting that the 5 – http://BMW. Besmirches. Gob. BC. Ca/exhibits/teammate/gallery 1 Frames/ Carr. HTML Group of Seven presented to her caused a great impression on her. Words weren't necessary; the sight was enough to change Car's whole view on what she needed to do, and even on what she could do. That night in her diary Emily Carr confidently wrote: â€Å"Oh, God, what have seen? Where have I been? Something has spoken to the very soul of me, wonderful, mighty, not of this world. The lingering memory of Harris' art was still â€Å"surging through my whole being the wonder of it alarm like a g reat river rushing on, dark and turbulent, and rushing and irresistible, and carrying me away on its wild swirl like a helpless little bundle of recharge:† 6 Lawyer Harris later approached Carr and declared to her â€Å"You are one Of us,† welcoming her into the ranks of Canada's leading modernists despite her own self-deprecating attitude. 7 With that statement Emily Carr got associated with the group of seven. After this successful trip Carr returned to Victoria where the most fertile period of her career as an artist began. Until 1931 , she generally used aboriginal themes in her paintings. Then, taking Harris' advice, she stopped focusing so much on native art, and began to focus more on what her inner elf wanted to create. With that, her love of trees, forests and the nature of coastal skies was transferred onto her paintings. The last ten years of Email's life were her most successful as an artist. Although life started to be good to Emily, those ten years were th e ones where Carr started to experience major health problems. Still Emily didn't lose spirit, and as she worked she could finally feel that she was satisfied with her paintings.She could see clearly the main purpose of her life, and so those ten last years became the happiest for her. – Susan Cream, The Laughing One: A Journey to Emily Carr 7 – http://rust. Ca/history/Carr. HTML In 1 937 Carr experienced her first angina attack. Her doctor restricted her painting activities, and so she focused more on her writing. The following year though, Emily life showered her with happiness when her first solo exhibition took place at the Vancouver Art Gallery. In 1939 Car's health took another blow when she suffered a serious heart attack.That same year, Air Dilators, who was a teacher, editor, and conductor, agreed to edit Emily Car's stories for publication. The year later after her heart attack Carr moved in with her sister Alice, right behind their old family home. Emily Sca rs first book â€Å"Kale Wick† was finally published in 1941. It was met with great success and won the Governor General's Award for Non-fiction. Shortly after ‘The Book of Small† was published, and Emily went on her last sketching trip. During the last few years of her life, Emily felt weak, tired out, and feeble. Her poor health conditions restricted her from painting very much, but she still wrote books.Recognition of her work grew steadily as her paintings were Ewing exhibited in London, Paris, Washington, Amsterdam, and as well as in major Canadian cities. In 1 943 there was a major exhibition of her art in the Art Gallery of Toronto. Her books kept on being published one after another. Emily Carr passed away on March 2, 1945 in Victoria, shortly before she was to be awarded an honorary doctorate by the university of British Columbia. She died at peace with herself, happy to have achieved her dreams as an artist. More importantly for her was that she died hav ing discovered her true self and her main purpose in life.