Friday, December 27, 2019

Government Bailout for Corporate Failures Essay - 1458 Words

Gup (2003) brings out that financial trouble is a periodical concern that occurs to banks, industrial companies and other organizations. Gup begins his article by reviewing the history and importance of government bailouts for corporate failures. In his article on â€Å"What Does Too Big to Fail Mean?† he uses rhetoric questions in order to engage the readers in his analysis of government bailouts. For instance, he poses the question, â€Å"what should governments and government regulators do about it?† (Gup, 2003, p. 29). ‘It’ in this case referred to the periodical financial troubles of the above mentioned institutions. By using the question, Gup engages the reader in trying to think about what the government can do in cases where businesses face†¦show more content†¦This organization was meant to deal with the widespread business failures, unemployment and municipalities in financial distress. The RFC was however terminated in 1957 (Gup, 2003). Gup presents a second option which governments can adopt in response to business failures by exploring extents to whicht governments can move to protect companies from their competitors. He gives the example of how in 2002 George W. Bush imposed tariffs on imported steel so as to protect selected ailing steel companies from foreign competition. Gup highlights the opinions of others who claimed that the move by the former US President was not an action taken in national interest but was aimed at gaining West Virginia and Pennsylvania votes (Gup, 2003). Here Gup uses a skeptical statement and attempts to make the reader aware that government action can be intended for political gain instead of the goodwill of the nation. Gup also uses approaches aimed at narrowing down the scope of his article. He presents aspects of the wider topic about government bailouts and states that his article would not be reviewing those aspects. Gup in his beginning chapters warns the reader that there are also cases where there is the intervention of international bodies such as the International Monetary Fund, such as when the US Treasury and IMF aided Brazil, Mexico, Korea, Brazil, Argentina and otherShow MoreRelatedPro Business Or Anti Business775 Words   |  4 Pagesa business and the government allows them both to contribute their own skills to solve community problems. Collaborative partnership creates a community oriented effort to help aide and provide assistance where needed and to be socially responsive to human needs. Usually when the business and the government seek partnership they mutually respond to beneficial goals by working openly to achieve a common objective (Lawrence Weber, 2013, p.162). 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Infidelity and Marriage Therapy Tips - 1330 Words

Infidelity is one of the most challenging issues that come up in marital therapy for the simple fact that it usually layers a major issue (the infidelity) over other major issues (finances, intimacy, communication) and each layer involves a unique and, at times, competing set of interventions. The latter grouping is usually very receptive to skills work; once capacity to work through the issues within the couple is developed the problems or issues facing the couple tend to create less distress in the relationship or are resolved, although the issue around intimacy tends to be a bit more complicated. When infidelity is thrown into the mix these other issues are typically not seen as the priority by one or both spouses and even discussing these underlying factors can prove difficult as the infidelity typically acts as a contagion. There are a few general rules of thumb I go over with spouses who are in marital therapy and are struggling with the issue of infidelity. Understand that some of the points below assume a typically ordinary home environment (absence of violence or abuse) and speak to the earlier phases of treatment. Another thing to keep in the back of your mind is that I dont recommend divorce, thats not my call and once a decision is made to go in that direction I view my role in helping the couple as pretty much over. I might recommend separation but that really only comes up when aggression appears to be escalating, there is a history of violence (prior toShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Movie Bill Cosby 1572 Words   |  7 PagesBarbara Bowman wrote an essay, about her experience with Bill Cosby for Washington Post online on November 13th, 2014. She explains how the relationship started off harmlessly. He had a TV show and she was a 17 year old aspiring model so he gave her tips and they bond ed over the industry. The first time he assaulted her was at his home in New York City, where he had invited her to dinner. â€Å"I blacked out after having dinner and one glass of wine [†¦]. When I came to [†¦] Cosby was looming over me. I’mRead MorePeer Pressure2910 Words   |  12 Pagesof nuclear weapons fuel a third world war? †¢ Quarter life crisis is the new midlife crisis? †¢ Is the world going to end in 2012? †¢ US military involvement in Iraq has done more good than harm. †¢ Is co-habitation the replacement for marriage? †¢ Human cloning should be allowed. †¢ Will there be another Holocaust? †¢ Do newborn babies remembers their past life? †¢ Media consolidation: pros and cons. †¢ Should same-sex partners have the same rights as heterosexuals? Read MoreHome Economics and Livelihood Education for College7320 Words   |  30 PagesLatin: familia) is a group of people affiliated by consanguinity, affinity, or co-residence. In most societies it is the principal institution for the socialization of children. Extended from the human family unit by biological-cultural affinity, marriage, economy, culture, tradition, honour, and friendship are concepts of family that are physical and metaphorical, or that grow increasingly inclusive extending to community, village, city, region, nationhood, global village and humanism. There areRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 Pagesmodel, described in the Introduction. Based on the positive feedback we’ve received from teachers and students we can state with confidence that the form of active learning pioneered in this book is a proven pedagogy for management skill mastery. Tips for Getting the Most Out of This Course Whether you are an undergraduate or MBA student, or an experienced manager, based on our years of teaching management skills here are some suggestions for making this course a personally meaningful learning

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Hypothetical Analysis of a Business System

Question: Describe about the Hypothetical Analysis of a Business System. Answer: Introduction There are many people present in the industry who thinks that business security policy is a term which is mainly used for a high-class organization but in reality, it is not valid. Business security policy is a global term which covers all type of field. Making of a successful business security policy can give a chance to the organization for making high scalable and efficient business engine. Apart from defending any security threats Business security policy also creates an exposure to evaluate the strength and weakness of the organization. By performing a successive strength and weakness analysis, an organization can map their business plan according to their resources and market requirement. The main functionality of the business security policy develops a plan to protect an organization's confidentiality, technological propaganda for organization's entire system integrity and availability. On account of the quickly advancing nature of today's business industry, it is obvious that the developing of new technology in a continual condition of flux as new innovative and social concerns and circumstances relentlessly maximize the chance of business value. Organizations will probably experience some uncommon circumstances due unappropriated utilization of security policy. Environment The primary orientation of strategic planning is to drive different environmental issues which are associated with the business process. These issues are likely deals with business competitor's strategy, government regulation, supplier issues and customer orientation (Caceres Zettsu, 2014). By utilizing the proper and successive approach of business, security policy organization can deal with these prospect of harm in a prominent way. It gives the capability to an entrepreneur chief to manage a greater amount of what they need from a supplier or business coordinator than from a contender. A data security approach instigates workers to consider their perspectives about their commitment to take after the terms of the approach with a specific end goal to secure and shield the data resources of an association. Associations that attempt to urge hesitant representatives to acknowledge and comply with a resolute data security approach are liable to be met with resistance (Designing an effective information security policy for exceptional situations in an organization, 2016). The purposes of this restriction are because a thorough arrangement tends to muddle a representative's assignments and in light of the fact, it is a human instinct for a person to rebel when he or she feels constrained or compelled. Thus, representatives ought to be capable of comprehending effectively and taking after an unmistakable, adaptable and far-reaching data security strategy. Contingent upon the components identified with clarity, completeness and usability that an association considers amid th e strategy's improvement, representatives may view the arrangement as either a good for nothing appear of power or an indication of their individual standards and convictions. Data security arrangements may demonstrate dependable in keeping up the uprightness of delicate information under a standard situation in the workplace, numerous associations confront the test of planning and implementing a data security approach that Representatives can take after amid extraordinary circumstances (Functional Tactics Implementation, 2016). An extraordinary situation is characterized as an unexpected business recommendation or prospect that emerges in associations with a fluctuant and variable viewpoint, and that may involve workers to disregard a data security approach keeping in mind the end goal to advance the welfare of the association. Central offerings and services Data security strategy assumes a part of focal significance in any association's data security division. Since a data security approach is periodically hard to get ready and outline, associations may acquire instant arrangements or layouts from an assortment of sources, for example, course readings and the Internet (Osei Yeboah-Boateng, 2015). Be that as it may, these approaches are not industry-particular and may require adjustment with a specific end goal to address the issues of a particular association. The instant arrangements offer associations little direction with setting up a strategy, which involves more noteworthy significance than basically furnishing representatives with an index of adequate or unsatisfactory activities. Apart from all these concerns some business firms hire IS (information security) specialist for making a supervisory inspection in detailed term of security policy modules over the organization and their surroundings (D'Arcy, Herath, Shoss, 2014). So if they take any wrong decision due to designing of the organization's security policy, then this will be rectified by the respective supervisor. According to experts view it is necessary to implement two primary objectives with the implication of organizations security policies. These are the system adaptability of such circumstances due to the integrity of system and usability ratio of on account of system transaction. The Meta-design and theoretical models are also included in the organizational security policy as a secondary or sub-process of system enrichment. A meta-strategy concentrates on the improvement of a data security arrangement and also its adaptability, application, and legitimacy (Designing an effective information security policy for exceptional situations in an organization, 2016). Also, it is made to speed up modifications to strategies in a data security arrangement that repudiate the business destinations of an association as it keeps on developing and advance. Data security approaches that contain standard methodology can't sufficiently stipulate activities or procedures to determine each possible condition that may emerge in an outstanding circumstance. Information security policy The initial phase of the vital arranging procedure is an evaluation of the business sector (Functional Tactics Implementation, 2016). Organizations rely on upon purchasers for their presence. On the off chance that business administrators are confronting a quickly developing buyer base, they will arrange uniquely in contrast to if their customer base is steady or contracting. If the organization is sufficiently fortunate to be in a business where unwavering brand Ness still wins, Organisations may risk that others can't stand to take. Before they start to evaluate their business sector, it is critical that they finish their very own watchful appraisal business and its objectives. The theories for this study concentrated essentially on turbulent associations with a quickly changing business environment (Wei, Hsu, Wang, 2016). As indicated by specialists, these associations were a great deal more inclined to experience remarkable circumstances that may require a worker to damage the terms of a data security arrangement keeping in mind the end goal to sustain the association's best advantages. There are several approaches present to intimate the process of installing organizational security policy where some of them contradict with another by giving a structural functionality of security policy. Some individuals have stated that the innovation process of information technology is a reliable indicator of a progressive information security policy (Williams Chuvakin, 2014). Therefore it is evident that the information security policy over the organization structure and this represent an impression opportunity of a decision in agreeing to or abusing a data security approach's terms. The voluntarism is a typical build in each of the three regulating speculations and incorporated into all speculations to demonstrate the effect of wilfulness on the acknowledgment of arrangement. Fundamentals of information security policy The inspiration driving the data security is to secure an affiliation's huge resources, for instance, information, hardware, and programming (Vacca, 2013). Through the determination and use of appropriate shields, security helps the affiliation meet its business objectives or mission by guaranteeing its physical and cash related resources, reputation, legal position, specialists, and other unmistakable and tricky assets. Data security strategy is an important occupation and not the end in itself. In business, having an effective information affirmation undertaking is normally assistant to the need to make an advantage (Information Security Fundamentals, 2016). In individuals when all is said in done part, data security strategy is discretionary to the association's organizations provided for its consistent quality. The commitments and accountabilities of the information proprietors, suppliers, and customers of PC organizations and distinctive social affairs stressed with the protection of information and PC assets should be express (The Basics of Strategic Planning, Strategic Management and Strategy Execution, 2016). In case a system has external customers, its proprietors have a commitment to share fitting data about the nearness and general level of control measures so that diverse customers can be sure that the structure is sufficiently secure (Ifinedo, 2012). As we develop the customer base to fuse suppliers, vendors, clients, customers, shareholders, et cetera, it is officeholder upon the push to have clear and identifiable controls. Giving effective information confirmation requires a broad approach that considers a grouping of districts both inside and outside the information development range. An information security undertaking is more than working up controls for the PC held data. In 1965 the likelihood of the "paperless office" was at first displayed (Teh, Ahmed, and D'Arcy, 2015). The presence of third-period PCs understood this thought. Regardless, today the weight of most of the information available to agents and others is still found in the printed structure. To be an effective undertaking, information security must move past the confined degree of IT and area the issues of enormous broad information protection. A broad framework must touch every period of the information asset life cycle from creation to conceivable decimation. Information Assurance should support the business destinations or mission of the endeavor. This idea can't be centered on enough (Strategic Planning: How to Develop a Strategic Plan, 2016). Regularly, information security staff disregard their goals and commitments. Information protection is an essential segment of due thought. Traditional organization is blamed for two fundamental necessities: an obligation of predictable approach this infers whatever decisions they make must be made to the best point of interest of the try (Siponen and Vance, 2013). They are in like manner blamed for a commitment of thought - this infers senior organization is required to secure the benefits of the endeavor and settle on taught business decisions (Ifinedo, 2012). An effective information security undertaking will help the senior administration in meeting these commitments. Information security commitments and accountabilities should be made express. For any undertaking to force, it will be imperative to disseminate an information security procedure verbalization and a social event mission statement (Sommestad, Karlzn, and Hallberg, 2015). The methodology should recognize the parts and commitments of all laborers. To be suitable, the lingo of the course of action must merge into the purchase affirmations for all assertion staff and specialists. Conclusion Data security strategy is constrained by the lifestyle of the affiliation. The ISSO must fathom that the principal information protection framework will be realized all through the endeavor. Regardless, every strength unit must be given the extension to make changes to meet its specific needs. If your affiliation is multinational, it will be critical to rolling out improvements for each of the distinctive countries. This adjustment will be investigated all through the United States. What may work in Des Moines, Iowa, may not fly in Berkeley, California. Oblige the ability to find and execute decisions. References Caceres, G. Zettsu, K. (2014). Provenance-Based Security Risk Assessment Framework.Journal Of Information Processing,22(4), 617-625. D'Arcy, J., Herath, T., Shoss, M. (2014). Understanding Employee Responses to Stressful Information Security Requirements: A Coping Perspective.Journal Of Management Information Systems,31(2), 285-318. Designing an effective information security policy for exceptional situations in an organization. (2016) Retrieved 30 June 2016, from Functional Tactics Implementation. (2016).OnStrategy. Retrieved 30 June 2016, from Ifinedo, P. (2012). Understanding information systems security policy compliance: An integration of the theory of planned behavior and the protection motivation theory.Computers Security,31(1), 83-95. Information Security Fundamentals. (2016) Retrieved 30 June 2016, from Osei Yeboah-Boateng, E. (2015). An Assessment of Corporate Security Policy Violations Using Live Forensics Analysis.IJCSDF,4(1), 262-271. Siponen, M. Vance, A. (2013). Guidelines for improving the contextual relevance of field surveys: the case of information security policy violations.European Journal Of Information Systems,23(3), 289-305. Sommestad, T., Karlzn, H., Hallberg, J. (2015). The sufficiency of the theory of planned behavior for explaining information security policy compliance.Information And Computer Security,23(2), 200-217. Strategic Planning: How To Develop A Strategic Plan. (2016) Retrieved 30 June 2016, from Teh, P., Ahmed, P., D'Arcy, J. (2015). What Drives Information Security Policy Violations among Banking Employees?.Journal Of Global Information Management,23(1), 44-64. The Basics of Strategic Planning, Strategic Management and Strategy Execution. (2016) Retrieved 30 June 2016, from Vacca, J. (2013).Computer and information security handbook. Amsterdam: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers is an imprint of Elsevier. Wei, L., Hsu, C., Wang, K. (2016). Intentions of Employees to Whistleblow Information Security Policy Violations in the Organization.APJIS,26(1), 163-188. Williams, B. Chuvakin, A. (2014).PCI Compliance. Burlington: Elsevier Science.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Racial Profiling in Airports Essays - Offender Profiling

Racial Profiling in Airports What is racial profiling? Racial profiling is a form racism that focuses on certain racial groups. Since 9/11 there have been certain groups of people that have been focused on while in airports. Random searches do work; racial profiling helps identify people who know attacked the U.S., and keep people safe. On the other hand, there are people who would disagree with these arguments. They would say that racial profiling is ineffective, random searches do not work, and is discriminatory. Racial profiling is the most effective tool that is used to prevent another attack; however, racial profiling should only be used as a security measure only in airports. Racial profiling in airports is effective because random searches do work. Random searches work because they have the potential to stop not only foreign terrorists but also domestic terrorists from attacking airports. With the attacks on September 11, random searches can be used to screen more people who have intentions of harming innocent people. "Understanding the nature of the threat is the first step in the process of determining the best way to mitigate it" ( Pistole 1of 4). In the same way random searches helps and makes sure that passengers, planes, and airports will protected from any terrorist attacks or bombers. In a sense random searches are good because it can stop a potential terrorist attack and it will make passengers feel safe at airports and while on airplanes. Racial profiling helps identify people who know attacked the U.S. It is not hard to see who attacked us on September 11; all of the evidence points to the Arab community. Spencer writes young Muslim Arab males are responsible for the overwhelming majority of terrorist violence around the world today (1 of 3). Some of the recent attacks that were committed by Arabs are the Madrid train bombers in March 2004, London bombers in 2005. These groups of people are able to do this on a mass scale we need racial profiling more than ever. These people are willing to unthinkable acts to get their message across not matter how much the cost is even if it means that it will cost them their lives and the lives of others. If we are to learn from this , we need to profile any and everybody that fits the description of the people who flew planes into buildings that killed thousands of Americans. How long do we have to wait until profiling can become a security measure in airports, maybe until there is another terrorist attack? Keeping people safe is another reason for racial profiling. We need racial profiling to stop these Muslim Arabs from committing terrorist attacks using airplanes. They are responsible for all of the hijackings that took place on September 11th. All are willing to kill Americans even if it means sacrificing themselves. Last but not least many lived in America for a long time . In order to keep these people in check, airports need the latest technology , "Body scanners such as advanced imaging technology (AIT) machines " ( Ott 1 of 5). This machine is capable of giving the screener an image of a person's body without them having to take all of their clothes off . It shows that the person has no weapons in or around their body that could cause harm to others. Since 9/11 cockpit doors have become more secured that hijackers or anybody else for that matter can get inside and take the plane over. U.S. Marshalls are now on planes to make people feel safer and to diffuse any situation that occurs if one was to come up. Furthermore the one tool that can keep people safe is each other. If every body keeps an eye open for suspicious activity it will make it easier for authorities to keep all of us safe in airports. Not only will these security measures and procedures help cut down on attacks, but also drastically improve airport security. Racial profiling is ineffective because it only focuses on certain group of people instead of every body . To think that all terrorist look a certain way are more likely to be terrorist. A